The Abbey College Advisory Board




The Abbey College Advisory Board exists to improve the quality of provision at Abbey College by bringing in experts to advise our leaders on best practice. We believe Abbey College will benefit having an advisory committee of people with special expertise from the local community who can advise, from an external perspective regarding key issues.

Board Members


Daniel Booker  - Principal at Abbey College

Mehran Noor - Bursar and Representative of the Proprietor at Abbey College

Alison Earp - Head Teacher at Malvern Wells Primary School. Head since 2014, Alison joined as a teacher in 2005 after previously working in the US. In her current role she uses her expertise in many areas but her key speciality and passion is PE and sports.

Keri Haw - Deputy Head of Boarding at Malvern St. James School. Keri has been working in boarding for over 10 years, the past four years at Malvern St. James. She previously worked at a vocational ballet school in Birmingham. She has expertise in a range of areas, many related to boarding and her passion is for dealing with mental health issues. In her current role she uses this particular expertise in PSHE and training staff.

Tim Wilde – Health and Safety expert.  Tim has a Masters Degree in Environmental Control. He has associates who specialise in food hygiene, environment and health and safety. Having previously worked as a Health and Safety Consultant for a large company, Tim now runs his own company which covers all aspects relating to health and safety, providing comprehensive assistance including the practical aspects of health and safety.

Roger Downes - Chartered Accountant.  Available to attend Advisory Board Meetings when invited.

John Daniels - Solicitor. Available to attend Advisory Board Meetings when invited.